Clean Water in Every Home and Business

Bridgsite, LLC helps US-based companies build water treatment facilities in the Sub-Saharan region of Africa. With the help of our partners and local connections, we can promptly design, plan, and build robust facilities with minimal issues.

Getting the Most Out of Every Drop
We represent Aquatech products within the West African sub-region. Aquatech is a US company that has several industrial water treatment services designed to help industries and end-users get the most out of their water treatment systems. The solutions from Aquatech provide a variety of services including:

Zero Liquid Discharging
  • Solutions for the Oil and Gas industry
  • Integrated Water Services
  • QUA Membrane Technology Services.
  • Industrial Water Processing
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Recycling and Reuse of Water
  • Zero Liquid Discharging
  • Solutions for the Oil and Gas industry
  • Integrated Water Services
  • QUA Membrane Technology Services.
Water Treatment for Any Situation
We also offer the BIOMOD™ line of modularized water and wastewater treatment solutions which includes:
  • ARRO (Advanced Recovery Reverse Osmosis)
  • AVMD (Advanced Vacuum Membrane Distillation)
  • BioMOD MBBR (Packaged Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor)
  • BioMOD AnMBR (Anaerobic MBR)
  • BioMOD DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation)
  • BioMOD MBR (Packaged Membrane Bio-Reactor)
  • BioMOD EGSB (Expanded Granular Sludge BedBioMOD)

About Aquatech
With more than three decades of experience in helping to "make every drop count," Aquatech is on the front line of solving the world's water scarcity challenges. Today more than ever, water management is a critical issue for industries as well as municipalities. Access to a sustainable water supply is essential if both the world's population and its economies are to thrive.

Although industry and conservancy are sometimes seen as having different agendas, they both have a shared interest when it comes to the sustainability of our water. Traditional solutions and traditional ways of thinking aren't enough to meet future demand.

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That's why Aquatech is committed to providing advanced, cost-effective technologies and solutions that help customers achieve their goals. At the same time, Aquatech helps them manage their water risk and successfully navigate the challenges of an increasingly water‑scarce world.
A Reliable Water Treatment Partner

We are partnering with Aquatech to offer water and wastewater treatment solutions to clients. Their technology combined with their dedication to making every drop count makes them the ideal partner in bringing clean and safe water to the African market.